Posts Tagged With: weight

12 Tips on Shedding Pounds

Losing weight can be a hard goal to meet and be very frustrating in the procees. Here are 12 tips to assist you on your weight loss journey.

Don’t give up, stay focused, and be proud of yourself for the hardwork you’ve put in so far. 

Healthy Living! 

Categories: Accountability, Health and Wellness, Life Coaching | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Eliminate Noisy Foods

I really want to increase your awareness about your health, eating habits, and what your body needs to function properly.

That’s why it is important to be aware of the noisy foods you and incorporate more quiet foods into your healthy eating lifestyle.

Noisy foods are the distracting foods. Some examples of noisy foods are:

* Processed foods (fast food)
* Sugar-rich foods (cake, doughnuts, cookies, candy)
* Salt-rich foods (potato chips)
* Liquids are noisy too! I’m talking about unhealthy drinks like soda and even diet soda.
* Don’t forget alcohol… ALCOHOL is loaded with unwanted calories and sugar and is very noisy or rather; it causes you to hear noises that are not really there (smile)!

Now don’t get me wrong alcohol that’s consumed in moderation is not completely unhealthy for you. I’m not saying you can’t have a glass now and then but you must be mindful of how much alcohol you are consuming.

It is important to note that noisy foods create an imbalance in the brain (keep that in mind when you reach for a noisy food).

Quiet foods are the healthy choice foods that we stop and actually think about. Quiet foods are good for us because they aren’t distracting and they are very filling. Some examples of quiet foods are:

* Almonds
* Rice cakes
* Fruit
* Dried fruit
* Yogurt
* Granola
* Raisins

You need to discover ways to get you over to the quiet food side more often. This is not to say you can never have another noisy food.

I want to help you become more aware of those unhealthy eating patterns and being able to recognize unhealthy eating habits!

Identify with your eating habits and the foods you eat.

Ask yourself… do you eat certain foods at the same time every day

Do you snack when you are nervous or upset, or when you are having a bad day?

You have to completely change the foods and snacks you eat on a regular basis that aren’t good for you. Find healthy alternatives to noisy foods by choosing more quiet and filling foods like celery and peanut butter, roasted edamame beans, assorted unsalted nuts, humus, cottage cheese, apple slices and almond butter.

The key is finding HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES, but keep in mind even though these are quiet foods you must remember to eat in moderation and practice healthy eating portions.

Change begins from within so you must absolutely change the way you think, view, and eat food. Food is not the enemy here; the amount of food and the types of food you put in your body is the problem.

I want you all to enjoy the food you eat as well as enjoy the good foods that are healthy for you like raw vegetables, berries, whole grains, and lean meats. Stay away from the fast foods, white rice, fried foods, and carbonated beverages.

I sincerely wish you all the best on your weight loss and healthy body journey… I WANT YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL and I expect to hear some success stories about your weight loss journey too!

Remember to stay POSITIVE and VISUALIZE the change that YOU expect to see.

Healthy Living!!!


Categories: Accountability, Health and Wellness, Life Coaching | Tags: , , , , , | 5 Comments

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