Posts Tagged With: goals

12 Tips on Shedding Pounds

Losing weight can be a hard goal to meet and be very frustrating in the procees. Here are 12 tips to assist you on your weight loss journey.

Don’t give up, stay focused, and be proud of yourself for the hardwork you’ve put in so far. 

Healthy Living! 

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Start…. Today

We can all use encouragement! Regardless of when you start your journey, just be committed to starting. Ordinary people are destined to do extraordinary things. Remember the expert in anything was once a beginner. We have all at one point felt like our goals were impossible but change is the friction that makes us all grow! Take the first step today towards greatness!

Happy Living!

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Defeating Self-Doubt

How many of you have so many dreams and aspirations that you want to accomplish and when you don’t reach your own expectations according to your time-frame you begin to doubt yourself. 

Today self-doubt almost got the best of me. I have so many projects that I am working on at the moment and they aren’t coming to fruition as fast as I planned. Self-doubt whispered in my ear last night that I wouldn’t succeed and I woke up feeling defeated. 

I stopped and refocused this morning because I refuse to let self-doubt ruin years of hard work. More importantly, I will not allow a bad day to completely take me off track. I wrote down some tips that I will follow everyday to ensure that I stay focused. 

  1. Stop Comparing my Success to Others. Other people should not affect me, period! The goals that I want to achieve are relative to my journey. Other’s accomplishments are not direct reflections of my success or potential.
  2. Remove Worry from my Spirit. Worrying is a sickness. The more you worry the weaker you become mentally, spiritually, and physically. I can’t focus on things that I cannot change. I MUST focus my energy on the NOW and not the “what if’s” of my FUTURE.
  3. Meditate Daily. When I shut out all of the distractions around me, I am more focused on meeting my goals. I have to remain mentally balanced when it comes to working towards my goals.
  4. Be realistic. I have to remind myself that I am not superwoman. I can’t accomplish a million things in one day. I need to be more realistic in the goals I set for myself so that I remain confident. Reaching a small goal is just as profound as reaching a huge goal.
  5. Journal my Progress. When I journal things I have accomplished for the week, I feel a since of accomplishment. I am going to make a point to journal weekly so that I can actually see that I am very much meeting goals, accomplishing tasks, and moving forward rather than treading water. 

We are all human! With that said there will be better days than others. When we allow ourselves to go through mental, physical, and spiritual challenges it reminds me that I am not a robot but that I am human with real feelings, I AM ALIVE. There isn’t anyone who can say they never experience self-doubt or become discouraged. 

Remember to be true and connected to your spirit. Even when self-doubt comes knocking at your door, its okay to crack the door to see who it is but don’t openly welcome it into your life for to long. Use self-doubt as tool to get yourself right BACK on track, like I just did!

Healthy Living,

Coach Young

To find your healthy Wellness Coach go to:

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“Finding Balance”

There isn’t anyone who can say that finding a balance in life is not essential to maintaining happiness and succeeding. Finding a balance will increase your positive outcomes, boost your success, and reduce stress. When you focus on finding your balance, you will have a better opportunity at reaching your goals.


How do we maintain balance?

The key is finding a medium between the things we face within ourselves and what the outside world gives back.

Balance is achieved by thinking positive, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, being realistic, and taking control of the energy you put into the world.

Take time to understand how and what you are feeling. This means being totally honest with yourself and acknowledge the things that need to be adjusted.

Make sure you set realistic goals. Don’t create goals that you know you can’t reach because this throws your confidence and focus off.

Plan daily and be prepared. Everyday prepare yourself for your day by creating a schedule, plan accordingly, and always have a plan “B” in the event that things change.

Reflect on tasks and goals that you have achieved. Don’t reinvent the wheel; if something works make note of those achievements and find ways to incorporate your successes into ongoing goals and projects.

Self Cleanse. Don’t contaminate yourself with worry, negative thoughts, and failure. Meditate and clear your mind of all the thoughts and feelings that keep you from moving forward. Get rid of those unhealthy self-sabotaging feelings and thoughts. Empower yourself by believing in yourself and realizing your potential.

Break your bad habits by setting daily tasks that align with creating healthy habits. Remember it takes 21 days to break a habit. Focus on changing those patterns consistently so that you have more balance in your daily routine.

Remember in order to find balance in life you must look at all situations from a positive perspective, learn to breathe through your daily tasks and stay calm, keep a clear head, and stay motivated. Success is not measured by the tasks we complete daily, but our consistent determination over the course of a lifetime. Take it one day at a time

Healthy Living,

Coach Young

To find your healthy wellness coach go to

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